What's New
2025-02-11, News! We extend the submission deadline to March 10, 2025 to provide our scientific community enough time for submission.
2025-02-07, News! Welcome
Dr. Zichao Li, University of Waterloo, Canada
Assoc. Prof. Ho Ree Chan, Taylor's University, Malaysia
to join the conference committee. (Click)
2025-01-06, News! Welcome
Asst. Prof. Ts. Aw Yoke Cheng, Malaysian Institute of Management, Malaysia
to join the conference committee. (Click)
2024-12-12, News! Welcome Dr. Kittipong Tissayakorn, Thammasat University, Thailand to join the conference committee. (Click)
2024-10-08, News! The conference proceedings of ICEEG 2024 have been indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus!
2024-09-25, News! The 9th International Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business, and E-Government (ICEEG 2025) will be held in Plymouth, UK from June 18 to 20, 2025!
2024-09-16, News! The conference proceedings of ICEEG 2024 have been included into ACM digital library.
2024-02-15, News! We extend the submission deadline to March 10, 2024 to provide our scientific community enough time fo
2024-01-10, News!
We extend the submission deadline to
February 10, 2024 to provide our
scientific community enough time for
2023-09-08, News! The conference proceedings of ICEEG 2023 have been indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus about 5 months after the event!
2023-07-31, News! The conference proceedings of ICEEG 2023 have been included into ACM digital library.
2023-03-31, News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Yitian Hong, Xiamen University of Technology, China to join the conference committee. (Click)
2023-03-21, News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Saulius Masteika, Vilnius university, Lithuanian to join the conference committee. (Click)
2023-01-31, News! We extend the submission deadline to February 01, 2023 to provide our scientific community enough time for submissions.
2023-01-01, News!
We extend the submission deadline to
January 30, 2023 to provide our
scientific community enough time for
2022-12-09, News! Welcome Dr. Afshan Younas, Arab Open University, Oman to join the conference committee. (Click)
2022-12-01, News! We extend the submission deadline to 30th December, 2022 to provide our scientific community enough time for submissions.
2022-11-09, News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Su-Kit Tang, Macao Polytechnic University, Macao, China, Dr. Dimitris Sarantis, UNU-EGOV, Portugal and Assoc. Prof. Aza Azlina Md Kassim, Arab Open University, Oman to join the conference committee. (Click)
2022-11-01, News! We extend the submission deadline to 30th November, to provide our scientific community enough time for submissions.
2022-08-09, News! The conference proceedings of ICEEG 2022 have been indexed by Scopus about 3 months after the event!
2022-08-04, News! The conference proceedings of ICEEG 2022 have been indexed by Ei Compendex about 3 months after the event!
2022-05-19, News! 2023 7th International Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business and E-Government (ICEEG 2023) will be held in University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK during April 27-29, 2023! Welcome to join us!
2022-05-18, News! 2022 6th International Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business and E-Government (ICEEG 2022) has been successfully held during April 27-29, 2022! (Click)
2022-04-13, News! Prof. Shaofeng Liu keynote speech information is released. (Click)
2022-04-11, News! Assoc. Prof. Vladimir Simovic, Australian University (AU), Kuwait confirms to give Invited Speech in ICEEG 2022. (Click)
2022-02-21, News! Due to continued COVID-19 disruption, the Organizing Committee has decided to extend the submission deadline to March 10, 2022. (Click)
2022-01-21, News! Due to continued COVID-19 disruption, the Organizing Committee has decided to extend the submission deadline to February 20, 2022. (Click)
2022-01-06, News! Welcome Senior Lecturer Dr. Amin Karami, University of East London (UEL),UK to join the conference committee. (Click)
2021-12-27, News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Liming Hong and Dr. Nurul Liyana Mohd Kamil to join the conference committee. (Click)
2021-12-03, News! Welcome Dr. Olawole Fawehinmi, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia to join the conference committee. (Click)
2021-11-16, News! To slightly give more room to our participant who might have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the deadline for paper submission has been extended to January 20, 2022.
2021-11-16, News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Mitsunori Hirogaki, Kyushu University, Japan and Assoc. Prof. Hong Liu, Beijing Institute of Technology Zhuhai, China to be the technical program committee chair of ICEEG 2022. (Click)
2021-09-30, News! ICEEG 2022 gets the technical supports from Xiamen University of Technology, China!
2021-09-07, News! The conference proceedings of ICEEG 2021 have been indexed by Scopus about 4 months after the event!
2021-08-24, News! The conference proceedings of ICEEG 2021 have been indexed by Ei Compendex about 4 months after the event!
2021-08-22, News! 2022 6th International Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business and E-Government (ICEEG 2022) will be held in University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK during April 27-29, 2022! Welcome to join us!
2021-08-19, News! The conference proceedings of ICEEG 2021 have been included into ACM digital library.
2021-05-03, News! ICEEG 2021 was successfully held in virtually during April 28-30, 2021! (Click)
2021-03-24. News! The conference proceedings of ICEEG 2020 have been indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus about 5 months after online!
2021-03-09, News! Welcome Prof. Wei Xu, Shenyang University of Technology, China to join the conference committee. (Click)
2021-02-18, News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Paniti Netinant, Prof. Wei Xu and Prof. Angela Siew Hoong Lee to join the conference committee. (Click)
2021-02-16, News! The submission deadline is extended to March 10, 2021. (Click)
2021-01-21, News! The submission deadline is extended to February 15, 2021. (Click)
News! The submission deadline is
extended to January 20, 2021.
2020-11-14, News! Welcome Dr.
Lameiras Mariana, UNU-EGOV, Portugal
to join the conference committee.
2020-10-14, News! The conference
proceedings of ICEEG 2020 have been
included into ACM digital library.
2020-10-12. News! Welcome Prof.
Pascal Lorenz, University of
Haute-Alsace, France to join the
conference committee. (Click)
2020-09-03. News! Welcome Assoc.
Prof. Benjamin YEN, Dr. Monica
Thiel, Dr. Goh Chye Tee etc. to join
the conference committee. (Click)
2020-08-01. News! The ICEEG 2021 is
open now, welcome to submit papers
to us.
2020-07-21. News! The ICEEG 2021
will be held in in April 28 to 30,
2021 in Rome, Italy.
2020-06-20. News! The ICEEG 2020 has
been held in June 17-19, 2020,
Paris, France. Please click for more
details .
2020-05-06. News! Accepted excellent
papers by ICEEG 2020 will be
published by ACM (ISBN:
978-1-4503-8803-0), which will be
archived in the ACM Digital Library,
and sent to be indexed by EI
Compendex and Scopus.
2020-04-20. News! Submission
deadline has been extended to May
15, 2020. Welcome to submit the
articles to the conference. (Click).
2020-02-29. News! The call for paper
of ICEEG 2020 has been updated.
2020-01-30. News! Welcome Assoc.
Prof. Petr_Hajek, University of
Pardubice, Czech Republic to deliver
a keynote speech at ICEEG 2020.
News! The submission deadline is
March 15, welcome to submit your
paper to ICEEG 2020. (Click)
2019-11-05. News! Welcome Prof. Léo
Paul Dana from Montpellier Business
School, France & Marie Curie Fellow
at Princeton University, US to
deliver the keynote speech at ICEEG
2020. (Click)
2019-10-21. News! The ICEEG 2020
will be held in June 17 to 19, 2020,
in INSEEC Business School, Paris
Campus, France. (Click)
2019-09-12, News! The conference
proceedings of ICEEG 2019 have been
indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus.
2019-07-26, News! The conference
proceedings of ICEEG 2019 have been
included into ACM digital library.
2019-06-11, News! The conference
program for ICEEG 2019 is ready now.
2019-05-13, News! The speech title
and abstract for Prof. Shaofeng Liu
and Prof. Harald Øverby has been
updated. (Click)
2019-04-26, News! Welcome Asst.
Prof. Li Ding, Dr. Maryna Pichugina
and Asso. Prof. Lina Artemenko to
join in the conference technical
committee. (Click)
2019-03-21, News! The submission
deadline has been extended to April
20, 2019. Welocme to submit your
articles over. (Click)
2019-03-06, News! The conference
proceeding of ICEEG 2019 has been
indexed by Scopus.
2019-02-21, News! The submission
deadline has been extended to March
20, 2019. Welocme to submit your
articles over. (Click)
2019-01-25, News! If you have the
request to be published in journal,
we will recommend the best papers
presented at the conference to be
published in Gestion 2000. (Click)
2018-12-05, News! The accepted and
registered papers will be published in
conference proceedings by ACM, which
will be archived in the ACM Digital
Library, and sent to be indexed by EI
Compendex and Scopus. (Click)
2018-11-22, News! ICEEG 2018 conference
proceedings has been indexed by EI
2018-11-16, News! Welcome Prof. Luis M.
Camarinha-Matos, Prof. Michel De
Rougemont, Prof. Paulo Pinto, Prof. Qing
Li and Prof. Zhao Jianhua, etc. to join
in the conference committee. (Click)
2018-10-31, News! Welcome Prof. Jiří
Strouhal from Škoda Auto University
Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic to
deliver the keynote speech at ICEEG
2019. (Click)
2018-09-28, News! Welcome Prof. Alessio
Ishizaka from University of Portsmouth,
UK to deliver the keynote speech at
ICEEG 2019. (Click)
2018-08-31, News! The conference
proceedigns of ICEEG 2018 has been
included into ACM's digital libaray.
2018-08-29, News! Welcome Prof. Harald
Øverby from NTNU Norwegian University of
Science and Technology, Norway to
deliver the keynote speech at ICEEG
2019. (Click)
2018-08-27, News! Welcome Prof. Shaofeng
Liu from Plymouth University, UK to
deliver a keynote speech at ICEEG 2019.
2018-07-11, News! ICEEG 2019 will be
held from June 18 to 21, 2019, in INSEEC
Business School, Lyon Campus, France.
2018-06-08, News! The full version of
conference program is ready now. (Click)
2018-06-04, News! The speech title and
abstract from Prof. Young-Chang Hou has
been updated. (Click)
2018-05-25, News! The speech title and
abstract from Prof. Kun-Huang Huarng has
been updated. (Click)
2018-05-23, News! The speech title and
abstract from Prof. Cheol Park has been
updated (Click)
2018-04-01, News! Welcome Prof. Hou to
be the keynote speaker of ICEEG 2018.
2018-03-13, News! Accepted papers will
be published in the International
Conference Proceedings Series by ACM,
which will be archived in the ACM
Digital Library, and sent to be indexed
by EI Compendex and Scopus. (Click)
2018-02-15, News! Welcome Prof.
Kun-Huang Huarng from Feng Chia
University, Taiwan to be the program
chair of ICEEG 2018.(Click)
2018-01-30, News! Welcome Prof. Cheol
Park from Korea University, South Korea
to be the keynote speaker at ICEEG 2018.
News! Welcome Prof. Eldon Y. Li from
National Chengchi University, Taiwan
to deliver a keynote speech at ICEEG
2018. (Click)
2017-11-10, News! Assoc. Prof.
Theodore Henry King CLARK, The Hong
Kong University of Science and
Technology, Hong Kong to be the
conference program chair and plenary
2017-10-31, News! Welcome Prof. Jun
Wang from University College London,
UK to be the tehnical committee of
ICEEG 20108. (Click)
2017-10-19, News! The proceedings of
ICEEG 2017 has been indexed by
Scopus. (Click)
2017年10月18日 新闻!ICEEG2017 会议论文集已经成功被
Scopus 检索,点击查看。
2017-10-18, News! The proceedings of
ICEEG 2017 has been indexed by EI
Compendex. (Click)
2017-09-28, News! Welcome Assoc.
Prof. Vincent Ng from The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, Hong Kong to
be the conference local chair and
deliver a keynote speech at ICEEG
2018. (Click)
2017年9月28日 新闻!热烈欢迎来自香港理工大学的Vincent
Ng 教授担任ICEEG2018的大会主席并做特邀报告,点击查看。
2017-08-06, News! ICEEG 2017
conference proceeding has been
included in ACM Digital Library.
2017年8月6日 新闻!出版到ICEEG
2017-2-23, News! ICEEG 2017 can be
checked on Sciencemeeting online,
which is run by the Chinese Ministry
of Education. (Click)
2017-05-28, News! The final program
for ICEEG 2017 is available now.
2017-4-11, News! ICEEG submission
deadline has been extended to April
25, 2017.
2017-2-23, News! ICEEG 2017 can be
checked on Sciencemeeting online,
which is run by the Chinese Ministry
of Education.
2017-1-26, News! ICEEG Round II
submission is open.
2017-1-6, News! Welcome Gorzen-Mitka
Iwona, Davorin Kralj and Zoran
Wittine to join ICEEG 2017 technical
News! Welcome Salha Abdullah to join
ICEEG 2017 technical committee.
2016-12-21, News! Welcome Saeed
Rasekhi and Fatemeh Mehrabani to
join ICEEG 2017 technical committee.
2016-12-7, News! Welcome Yong Liu,
Nastaran Haji Heidari, Ni Jen-Shi,
Igor-Mathieu Gondje-Dacka and
Miodrag Ivkovic to join ICEEG 2017
technical committee.
2016-11-30, News! Welcome Panos M.
Pardalos, Subhajit Basu, Chyi Jaw,
Khalil Md Nor to join ICEEG 2017
technical committee.
2016-10-31, News! ICEEG 2017 will be
held in Turku, Finland and the
submission is open.